Where does the name "Bundy" come from?A:
Bundy is the name of our mascot (see logo), and it is just a name (no acronym).
Will the DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 server still be part of the Bundy system?A:
This has not been decided. It really depends if there will be enough developers and project team member that are motivated to work on the DHCP modules.
When accessing the website https://bundy-dns.de or https://lists.bundy-dns.de the web-browser shows a security warning.A:
The Bundy website is using free SSL/TLS Certificates from CACert.org. CACert is a "community" certification authority, and their Root-Certificate is (as of April 2014) not part of the (200+) certification authorities inside the popular browsers. To fix the security message, you can install the CACert.org root certificate from their website: Install the CACert.org root-certificate.In addition, our TLS-Certificates can be validated via DNSSEC/DANE TLSA records. A DANE/TLSA validator plugin for popular Web-Browser can be found at https://www.dnssec-validator.cz/.